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Palo Cell Output (Deprecated)
SAS Input
Single Threader
Cassandra Input
Cassandra Output
Microsoft Excel Writer
LucidDB bulk loader
MongoDB Input
MongoDB Output
HL7 Input
ETL Metadata Injection
Teradata Fastload Bulk Loader
Edi to XML
Avro Input (Deprecated)
Add value fields changing sequence
Block this step until steps finish
Change file encoding
Sample rows
Pentaho Reporting Output
Check if file is locked
Credit card validator
Detect empty stream
Data Grid
Generate random credit card numbers
Get repository names
Infobright Loader
Concat Fields
MonetDB bulk loader
Rest Client
Write to log (step)
Ehcache integration
WMI Input
Zip file (step)
Table Compare
Java Filter
Simple Mapping
Multiway Merge Join
ElasticSearch Bulk Insert
CiviCRM Input
CiviCRM Output
Prioritize streams
JSON output
JMS Consumer (Deprecated)
JMS Producer (Deprecated)
IBM Websphere MQ Consumer (Deprecated)
IBM Websphere MQ Producer (Deprecated)
Properties Output
Splunk Input
Splunk Output
DM - Big Data Trans Steps
CouchDB Input
Hadoop File Input
Hadoop File Output
HBase Row Decoder
MapReduce Input
MapReduce Output
SSTable Output
Compare Fields
S3 File Output
Identify last row in a stream
Fuzzy match
Memory Group by
Number range
Set field value
Set field value to a constant
String operations
Strings cut
Unique Rows (HashSet)
Reservoir Sampling
Teradata TPT Insert Upsert Bulk Loader
Email Messages Input
Weka Scoring
ARFF Output
Univariate Statistics
Knowledge Flow
Weka Forecasting
Vertica Bulk Loader
Get previous row fields
Send message to Syslog
LDAP Output
Salesforce Delete
Salesforce Insert
Salesforce Update
Salesforce Upsert