Change file encoding
Change file encoding
Change file encoding
This step changes a text file from one encoding to another.
- Step name : the name of the step, unique in a transformation
- Source file
- Filename field : the name of the input field which will carry the file names at runtime
- Source encoding: the encoding of the text files
- Add source filename to the result filenames? : Check this if you want to add the source file(s) automatically to the files list of the result of the transformation.
- Target file
- Target filename field: the name of the input field which will contain the target (output) file name at runtime
- Create parent folder: checking this field automatically creates the output folder specified in the target filename field.
- Target encoding: you can select the target encoding here
- Add target filename to the result filenames? : Check this if you want to add the target file(s) automatically to the files list of the result of the transformation.
Reference Information
For a list of encodings, please see Supported Encodings of the JVM: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/intl/encoding.doc.html