Zip file (step)

Zip file (step)


This step creates a standard ZIP archive using the options you specify in the dialog. (since 5.0)




Step name

Name of the step; This name has to be unique in a single transformation

Create target parent folder

Check this option to create the target parent folder

Overwrite target file

Check this option to overwrite the target file if it exists

Add zip filename to result

Check this option to add the zip filename to the internal result set

Source filename field

Define the field that contains the source

Target filename field

Define the field that contains the target zip filename

Keep source folders

Check this option to keep the source folder within the target zip filename

Base folder fieldname

Define the field that contains the base folder that is removed from the filename within the zip (used by the option keep source folders)

After zip

The action to take after zipping

Move to folder field

Define the field that contains the target directory to move the source files to after zipping

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