Generate random credit card numbers

Generate random credit card numbers

Generate random credit card numbers

This step generates random credit card numbers with a valid LUHN checksum.

The following credit card types are supported: American Express, Diners, Discover, En Route, JCB1, JCB2, MasterCard, Visa, Voyager, Airplus, BankCard, Maestro, Solo, Switch, Laser


  • Step name: the name of the step, unique in a transformation
  • Output fields
    • Credit card number field: specify the name of the output field
    • Credit card type field: specify the name of the output field
    • Credit card length field: specify the name of the output field
  • Generate numbers for cards: here you can specify how many random numbers you can specify per card type.  You can also specify the desired length of the number. (for example: VISA, length 16, 1000 numbers)