ElasticSearch Bulk Insert

ElasticSearch Bulk Insert

(warning) PLEASE NOTE: This documentation applies to an earlier version. For the most recent documentation, visit the Pentaho Enterprise Edition documentation site.

This topic needs further documentation to make it stellar. If you have experience with this transformation step, we encourage you to update this topic. More information can be found in JIRA case DOC-924.


The ElasticSearch Bulk Insert step streams data within a transformation to the database.

Note: The ElasticSeach standard cluster name is cluster.name: elasticsearch. When you have e.g. multiple clusters and need to set another name (so to keep them isolated) you need to set this different value in the settings tab, define a "cluster.name" setting and give the desired value, e.g. cluster.name: elasticsearch_1.

As of Pentaho 5.4, the step is designed to work with Elastic Search 0.16.3 (download link).



Add your elasticsearch transport server address here. Most often, this is (don't confuse with HTTP port 9200!)