CouchDB Input

CouchDB Input

(warning) PLEASE NOTE: This documentation applies to an earlier version. For the most recent documentation, visit the Pentaho Enterprise Edition documentation site.


The CouchDB Input step retrieves all documents from a given view in a given design document from a given database. The resulting output is a single String field named JSON, one row for each received document. For information about CouchDB, design documents, or views, see http://guide.couchdb.org/.




Step Name

The name of this step as it appears in the transformation workspace.

Host name or IP

Connection host name input field.


Connection host port number input field.


Name of the incoming database.

Design document

Identify the source design document. Design documents are a special type of CouchDB document that contains application code. See {+}http://guide.couchdb.org+for more information about design documents in CouchDB.

View name

Identify the source CouchDB view. For more on views in CouchDB, see {+}http://guide.couchdb.org/editions/1/en/views.html#views+.

Authentication user

The username required to access the database.

Authentication password

The password required to access the database.

Metadata Injection Support (7.x and later)

All fields of this step support metadata injection. You can use this step with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.

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