Pentaho Data Integration Job Entries
This page contains the index for the documentation on all the standard job entries in Pentaho Data Integration.
We invite everyone to add more details, tips and samples to this job entries pages.
You may not be viewing the most up-to-date documentation for these steps. View the most recent Pentaho documentation here.
Name | Category | ID | Description | Main class |
Utility | ABORT | Abort the job | opdje.abort.JobEntryAbort | |
File management | ADD_RESULT_FILENAMES | Add filenames to result | opdje.addresultfilenames.JobEntryAddResultFilenames | |
Big Data | EMRJobExecutorPlugin | Execute MapReduce jobs in Amazon EMR | | |
Big Data | HiveJobExecutorPlugin | Execute Hive jobs in Amazon EMR | AmazonHiveJobExecutor | |
Bulk loading | MYSQL_BULK_FILE | Load from a mysql table into a file | opdje.mysqlbulkfile.JobEntryMysqlBulkFile | |
Bulk loading | MSSQL_BULK_LOAD | Load data from a file into a MSSQL table | opdje.mssqlbulkload.JobEntryMssqlBulkLoad | |
Bulk loading | MYSQL_BULK_LOAD | Load data from a file into a Mysql table | opdje.mysqlbulkload.JobEntryMysqlBulkLoad | |
Conditions | CHECK_DB_CONNECTIONS | Check if we can connect to one or several databases. | opdje.checkdbconnection.JobEntryCheckDbConnections | |
Conditions | CHECK_FILES_LOCKED | Check if one or several files are locked by another process | opdje.checkfilelocked.JobEntryCheckFilesLocked | |
Conditions | FOLDER_IS_EMPTY | Check if a folder is empty | opdje.folderisempty.JobEntryFolderIsEmpty | |
Repository | CONNECTED_TO_REPOSITORY | Return true if we are connected to a repository | opdje.connectedtorepository.JobEntryConnectedToRepository | |
XML | XML_WELL_FORMED | Check if one or several XML files is/are well formed | opdje.xmlwellformed.JobEntryXMLWellFormed | |
Conditions | WEBSERVICE_AVAILABLE | Check if a webservice is available | opdje.webserviceavailable.JobEntryWebServiceAvailable | |
Conditions | FILES_EXIST | Checks if files exists | opdje.filesexist.JobEntryFilesExist | |
Conditions | COLUMNS_EXIST | Check if one or several columns exist in a table on a specified connection | opdje.columnsexist.JobEntryColumnsExist | |
File management | FOLDERS_COMPARE | compare two folders (or two files) | opdje.folderscompare.JobEntryFoldersCompare | |
File management | DOS_UNIX_CONVERTER | Convert file content between Windows and Unix. Converting to Unix will replace CRLF (Carriage Return and line Feed) by LF (Line Feed) | opdje.dostounix.JobEntryDosToUnix | |
File management | COPY_FILES | Copy Files | opdje.copyfiles.JobEntryCopyFiles | |
File management | COPY_MOVE_RESULT_FILENAMES | Copy or Move result filenames (since version 5.0, this job entry has been renamed to Process result filenames and handles Delete as well) | opdje.copymoveresultfilenames.JobEntryCopyMoveResultFilenames | |
File management | CREATE_FOLDER | Create a folder | opdje.createfolder.JobEntryCreateFolder | |
File management | CREATE_FILE | Create (an empty) file | opdje.createfile.JobEntryCreateFile | |
File encryption | PGP_DECRYPT_FILES | Decrypt files encrypted with PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). This job entry need GnuPG to work properly. | opdje.pgpdecryptfiles.JobEntryPGPDecryptFiles | |
File management | DELETE_FILE | Delete a file | opdje.deletefile.JobEntryDeleteFile | |
File management | DELETE_RESULT_FILENAMES | Delete filenames from result | opdje.deleteresultfilenames.JobEntryDeleteResultFilenames | |
File management | DELETE_FILES | Delete files | opdje.deletefiles.JobEntryDeleteFiles | |
File management | DELETE_FOLDERS | Delete specified folders. Attention : if a the folder contains files, PDI will delete them all! | opdje.deletefolders.JobEntryDeleteFolders | |
Utility | MSGBOX_INFO | Display a simple Message box Information | opdje.msgboxinfo.JobEntryMsgBoxInfo | |
XML | DTD_VALIDATOR | DTD Validator | opdje.dtdvalidator.JobEntryDTDValidator | |
General | DUMMY (internal: SPECIAL) | Use the Dummy job entry to do nothing in a job. | opdje.special.JobEntrySpecial | |
File encryption | PGP_ENCRYPT_FILES | Encrypt files with PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). This job entry need GnuPG to work properly. | opdje.pgpencryptfiles.JobEntryPGPEncryptFiles | |
Conditions | EVAL_FILES_METRICS | Evaluate files size or files count | opdje.evalfilesmetrics.JobEntryEvalFilesMetrics | |
Conditions | EVAL_TABLE_CONTENT | Evaluate the content of a table. You can also specify a SQL query. | opdje.evaluatetablecontent.JobEntryEvalTableContent | |
General | DummyJob | This is an example test job entry for a plugin | pdi.jobentry.dummy.JobEntryDummy | |
Repository | EXPORT_REPOSITORY | Export repository to XML file | opdje.exportrepository.JobEntryExportRepository | |
File management | FILE_COMPARE | Compare 2 files | opdje.filecompare.JobEntryFileCompare | |
Conditions | FILE_EXISTS | Checks if a file exists | opdje.fileexists.JobEntryFileExists | |
File transfer | FTP_DELETE | Delete files in a remote host | opdje.ftpdelete.JobEntryFTPDelete | |
File transfer | FTP | Get files using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) | opdje.ftp.JobEntryFTP | |
File transfer | FTPS_GET | Get a file with FTP secure | opdje.ftpsget.JobEntryFTPSGet | |
File transfer | SFTP | Get files using Secure FTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) | opdje.sftp.JobEntrySFTP | |
GET_POP | Get mails (POP3/IMAP) server and save into a local folder | opdje.getpop.JobEntryGetPOP | ||
Big Data | ||||
Big Data | HadoopJobExecutorPlugin | Execute a map/reduce job contained in a jar file | opdje.hadoopjobexecutor.JobEntryHadoopJobExecutor | |
Utility | ||||
Utility | ||||
File management | HTTP | Gets or uploads a file using HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) | opdje.http.JobEntryHTTP | |
Scripting | EVAL | Evaluates the result of the execution of a previous job entry | opdje.eval.JobEntryEval | |
General | JOB | Executes a job | opdje.job.JobEntryJob | |
Sends an e-Mail | opdje.mail.JobEntryMail | |||
JobCategory.Category.Mail_VALIDATOR | Check the validity of an email address ( SNMP trap to a target host | opdje.mailvalidator.JobEntryMailValidator | ||
File management | MOVE_FILES | Move Files | opdje.movefiles.JobEntryMoveFiles | |
Deprecated | MS_ACCESS_BULK_LOAD | Load data into a Microsoft Access table from CSV file format. ATTENTION, at the moment only the insertion is available! If target table exists, a new one will be created and data inserted. | opdje.msaccessbulkload.JobEntryMSAccessBulkLoad | |
Big Data | ||||
Deprecated | PALO_CUBE_CREATE | Creates a cube on a Palo server | opdje.palo.JobEntryCubeCreate | |
Deprecated | PALO_CUBE_DELETE | Deletes a cube on a Palo server | opdje.palo.JobEntryCubeDelete | |
Big Data | HadoopTransJobExecutorPlugin | Execute Transformation Based MapReduce Jobs in Hadoop | opdjw.hadooptransjobexecutor.JobEntryHadoopTransJobExecutor | |
Big Data | HadoopPigScriptExecutorPlugin | Execute a Pig script on a Hadoop cluster | opdje.pig.JobEntryPigScriptExecutor | |
Utility | PING | Ping a host | | |
File transfer | FTP_PUT | Put a file with FTP | opdje.ftpput.JobEntryFTPPUT | |
File management | COPY_MOVE_RESULT_FILENAMES | Copy, Move or Delete result filenames | opdje.copymoveresultfilenames.JobEntryCopyMoveResultFilenames | |
File transfer | SFTPPUT | Put files using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) | opdje.sftpput.JobEntrySFTPPUT | |
Utility | SYSLOG | Sends information to another server using the Syslog protocol. | opdje.syslog.JobEntrySys |