Convert file between Windows and Unix

Convert file between Windows and Unix

Convert files from Windows (DOS) Format (lines end with CR/LF) to Linux/Unix Format (lines end with LF) and vice versa.
When the format is unknown, it has also a guess function and converts to the other format.
Note: This job entry is available since version 5.0.

General tab



Job entry name

The name of the job entry.
Note : This name has to be unique in a single job. A job entry can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same job entry.


  • Include Subfolders: also process sub-folders
  • Copy previous results to args : use the list of result files from the previous job entry (entries) in stead of the static file list below.

Files / Folders

You can specify the list of files or folders with wildcards in this grid.
You can add a different source/destination on each line.
NOTE: You can use the "Add" button to add a line to the Files/Folders list


This can be:

  • Windows to Unix: Convert files from Windows (DOS) Format (lines end with CR/LF) to Linux/Unix Format (lines end with LF)
  • Unix to Windows: Convert files from Linux/Unix Format (lines end with LF) to Windows (DOS) Format (lines end with CR/LF)
  • Guess: When the format is unknown, it converts to the other format.

Advanced tab



Success Condition

This step will follow the success path if the selected condition is true. Current options are: "Success if all files are processed", "Success if at least x files are processed", "Success when number of error files lesser than".

Nr Files

specifies the number of files that have to meet the selected condition from above

Add Filenames

Adds the filenames that meet the selected condition to the Job output stream. Conditions are: "Do not add filenames", "Add all filenames", "Add only processed filenames" or "Add only error filenames"

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