Decrypt files with PGP

Decrypt files with PGP


The Decrypt Files with PGP Jon Entry can be used to decrypt and sign files using the GnuPG package.

The following pre-requisites must be met:

  1. GnuPG package must be installed in the runtime environment

  2. You must have the passphrase used for encrypting the files / folders. This steps currently does not support decrypting files / folders that were encrypted with keys.

Job Entry Options



Job Entry Name: A name to identify this Job Entry in your job.

General Tab





GPG location

The file path of the GnuPG executable (e.g., /usr/bin/gpg).

Include subfolders

Check to include (decrypt) subfolders

File/Folder source

The file or folder to decrypt can be added to the Files/Folders list using Add.

Select the file or folder and then click Add to add the source to the list of Files/Folders to be decrypted.

File/Folder destination

Location where the decrypted files will be stored


A Regular Expression to determine which files will be decrypted. The file name should match against the regular expression.


Passphrase used to encrypt the files / folders


The list of files/folders to decrypt. This is populated above and can be edited here

Destination Tab






Create destination folder

Select to create the destination folder specified in “General” tab

Destination is a file

Indicate whether destination is a file

Add date to filename

Add date to filename. Default is after the extension. See option below.

Add time to filename

Add time to filename. Default is after the extension. See option below.

Specify Date time format

Specify the format to use when adding date / time to filename

Add date before extension

Add date / time to filename before the extension

If destination file exists

Behavior to follow if a file with the same name already exists in the destination

Advanced Tab






Success condition

Define when the Job Entry execution is considered a success

  • Success when all works fine

  • Success when at least x files decrypted

  • Success when number of errors lesser than

Nr errors less than

Specify the parameters for “Success when at least x files decrypted” and “Success when number of errors lesser than” options above