File exists
PLEASE NOTE: This documentation applies to an earlier version. For the most recent documentation, visit the Pentaho Enterprise Edition documentation site.
This steps verifies the existence of a file where the filename comes from previous steps.
The result is a boolean flag field that gets added to the input fields in the output.
Options | Description |
Step name | Name of the step; This name has to be unique in a single transformation |
Filename field | The input field that will contain the filename at runtime |
Result fieldname | The name of the field that will contain the boolean flag. |
Add filename to result | Enable this option if you want to add the filename to the list of filenames that can be used in the next job entry. |
Include file type | Include the file type in a field. |
File type field | The name of the field that will contain the file type as a String: "file", "folder", "imaginary" |
samples/transformations/File exists - VFS example.ktr