Process files

Process files


This step copies, moves or deletes files by giving the source and target file names in the data stream.




Step name

Name of the step; this name has to be unique in a single transformation


This defines the operation: Copy, Move or Delete

Create target parent folder

When this option is checked, the target parent folder is created.
Otherwise it throws an exception when the target parent folder is not existing.

Overwrite target file

When this option is checked and the target file exists, it will be overwritten.
Otherwise it will not be overwritten and silently ignored.

Add target filename to result

When this option is checked, add the copied, moved or deleted files to the list of result files.

Set simulation mode

For testing purposes: No action will be taken at the end and no file will be copied, moved or deleted.

Source filename field

This defined the field that contains the complete path to the source file for copy or move or the file to be deleted.

Target filename field

This defined the field that contains the complete path to the target file. This field must not be given in the Delete mode.

Note: This must be a file and NOT a folder.

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