Set Variables

Set Variables


This step allows you to set variables in a job or in the virtual machine. It accepts one (and only one) row of data to set the value of a variable.

(warning) IMPORTANT : IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SET AND USE A VARIABLE IN THE SAME TRANSFORMATION.  This is because all steps run in parallel.




Step name

The name of this step as it appears in the transformation workspace.

Apply formatting

When this option is set, it formats the value (date, numbers etc.) according to the format options. Otherwise no formatting is done.

Field Name

Name of the field that is used

Variable Name

Name of the variable to set (without ${...} or %%...%% sigils)

Variable scope type

Define the scope of the variable, possible options are:

  • Valid in the virtual machine: the complete virtual machine will know about this variable.

    (warning) Warning: this makes your transformation only fit to run in a stand-alone fashion. Running on an application server like on the Pentaho framework can become a problem. That is because other transformations running on the server will also see the changes this step makes.

  • Valid in the parent job: the variable is only valid in the parent job.
  • Valid in the grand-parent job: the variable is valid in the grand-parent job and all the child jobs and transformations.
  • Valid in the root job: the variable is valid in the root job and all the child jobs and transformations.

Default value

Name of the variable to set

Variable usage

Refer to Variables wiki page for a description of the use of variables.

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