.10 Job Settings

.10 Job Settings

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Job Settings

Job Setting are options that control how a job is behaving and how it is logging what it is doing. To access Job Settings, select Job then Settings from the menu bar.

Job Tab

This table describes all of the general Job Settings found on the Job tab:



Job Name

The name of the job.

Note: This is required information if you want to save to a repository.

Description description

Short description of the job, shown in the repository explorer


Long extended description of the job


Draft or production status


Version description

Directory stored

The directory in the repository where the job is

Created by

Displays the original creator of the job.

Created at

Displays the date and time when the job was created.

Last modified by

Displays the user name of the last user that modified the job.

Last modified at

Displays the date and time when the job was last




Pass Batch ID

Pass the Batch ID to the transformation

Shared objects file

Define a different shared objects file than the default file location (see also KETTLE_PROPERTIES) and name (defaults to shared.xml).

Log Tab

This table describes all of the general Job Settings found on the Log tab:



Log connection

Use this connection to write to a log table

Log table

specifies the name of the log table (for example L_ETL)

Use batch-ID

Use a batch ID in the logging table

Pass the batch-ID to job entries?

Check this if you want to pass the generated unique batch ID to (transformation) job entries in this job.

Use logfield to store logging in?

Check this if you want to store the logging of this job in the logging table in a long text field. (CLOB)

SQL button

Generates the SQL needed to create the logging table and allows you to execute this SQL statement.

Transactions and Checkpoints (Enterprise Edition)



Make the job database transactional

This allows database connections to use one single database connection and enables commits and rollbacks on a job level. See also the option within Transformation Settings: Make the transformation database transactional
Further information can be found in Database transactions in jobs and transformations.
The functionality is available since PDI 5.0 Enterprise Edition, prior 5.0 this was only possible transformation wide.

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