Closure Generator

Closure Generator


This step was created to allow you to generate a Reflexive Transitive Closure Table for Mondrian.  For more information on how a closure table can help Mondrian gain performance, go here
Technically, this step reads all input rows in memory and calculates all possible parent-child relationships.  It attaches the distance (in levels) from parent to child.


This step was first introduced in version 3.0.0-RC1

Screen shots





Step name

The name that uniquely identifies the step.

Parent ID field

The field name that contains the parent ID of the parent-child relationship.

Child ID field

The field name that contains the child ID of the parent-child relationship.

Distance field name

The name of the distance field that will be added to the output

Root is zero

Check this box if the root of the parent-child tree is not empty (null) but zero (0)


The example data shown below was taken from the Mondrian help pages on the subject of closure tables.

This transformation is available (from version 3.0.0-RC1) in directory samples/transformations/ in filename "Closure generator - standard mondrian sample.ktr"

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