Troubleshooting for the Thin Kettle JDBC Driver

Troubleshooting for the Thin Kettle JDBC Driver


This page references documentation for Pentaho, version 5.4.x and earlier.  To see help for Pentaho 6.0.x or later, visit Pentaho Help.


Please follow the troubleshooting path depending on your Server:

DI Server

Check on the DI-Server web login the services, e.g.:http://localhost:9080/pentaho-di/kettle/listServices

Does the service (the table to query) show up in the list?

  • Yes: The DI-Server is set-up correctly, you should check the network and client setup.
  • No: Did you stored the transformation in the DI Repository?

When the service name (table to query) is still missing, please reopen the service transformation and check the data service in the transformation settings.

Carte Server

Check on the Carte Server web login the services, e.g.:http://localhost:8080/kettle/listServices

Does the service (the table to query) show up in the list?

  • Yes: The Carte Server is set-up correctly, you should check the network and client setup.
  • No: Did you stored the transformation in the DI Repository?
    • Yes: Check if the repository name is given in the configuration details section when opening, e.g. http://localhost:8080/kettle/status
    • No (file based): Please check if the service name is listed and accessible with the user account that runs the Carte server in
      <users home>\.pentaho\metastore\pentaho\Kettle Data Service

When the service name (table to query) is still missing, please reopen the service transformation and check the data service in the transformation settings.

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