Calculate EAN & UPC-A check digit using the Javascript step
Calculate EAN & UPC-A check digit using the Javascript step
Abstract: Neither the Add a checksum nor the Data Validator step provide calculation or check for EAN / UPC checkdigit.
Authors: Ludwig Weiss
License: LGPL
Kettle version: Kettle 3.2.5 and up (and maybe also a bit down?)
- In a Javascript step create a new Script page and mark it as Start script
- paste the following code into this page
// String reverse String.prototype.reverse = function() { splitext = this.split(""); revertext = splitext.reverse(); reversed = revertext.join(""); return reversed; } // function to calculate EAN / UPC checkdigit function eanCheckDigit(s) { var result = 0; var rs = s.reverse(); for (counter = 0; counter < rs.length; counter++) { result = result + parseInt(rs.charAt(counter)) * Math.pow(3, ((counter+1) % 2)); } return (10 - (result % 10)) % 10; }
- use the function in the transform script like
var cd = eanCheckDigit(sUPC);
, multiple selections available,