Windows 2000
Pentaho Data Integration Version 2.x without problems in Windows 2000.
Pentaho Data Integration 3.x
...does not start since we added more functionality and more jar files. This leads to a longer classpath and there is a smaller limit of the command line in Windows 2000 then in newer Windows versions.
The solution is simple:
- Use the Kettle.exe file that is shipped with 3.2.x versions.
- [Tim added this, but the spoon.jar (referenced in the spoon2000.bat) is missing: Try the bat file found in the attachments of this page. This was verified as working on windows 2000 and JDK 1.5.0_07.]
- Delete a number of unused drivers in libext/JDBC and then try again.
- Or rename your directories to a shorter name.
- Or copy the Windows XP cmd.exe to Windows 2000. The limit is hard coded and hence the prompt from XP brings it and works in Windows 2000.
Please see also:
Another problem in such old systems can be: you have a too old Internet Explorer that is used to display our welcome page. When you experience a problem that Spoon starts but crashed without a warning than this can be the issue. Update your Internet Explorer to at least Version 6, see:
Last but not least since upcoming 3.1: When you get an error like "org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Unable to load graphics library [GDI+ is required] (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError)" download the GDI+ redistributeable from here When you trust, you can only download gdiplus.dll e.g. from and copy into Windows / System32.
Pentaho Data Integration 4.x
... who really needs a solution with 4.0 and Windows 2K, the circumventions are shown on this page and in PDI-559 but Kettle.exe is removed from the distribution.