Work in progress.... but here are some links:
Instructions for Progress 9.1(C/D and probably more versions)
Copy your JdbcProgress.dll and Procli92.dll files from your Progress installation to the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
Copy and from your Progress installation to the libext folder of your PDI installation and rename both files .jar
All you need now is to connect to your database, load PDI and set the database type to Generic database, in the generic tab use a format like the following:
Url: jdbc:jdbcprogress:T:myserver:mydatabase:mydatabase Driver Class: com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver
Where myserver is the name of your server, and mydatabase is the name of your database.
In the General tab enter your database username and password, probably SYSPROGRESS and hit the test button. You should get an Ok message.
I had a 45x speed up over the ODBC drivers, so its worth pursuing.
One word of warning though, the JDBC drivers seem to have a huge memory leak, when I tried downloading a lot of data is crashes Kettle at around 10M rows with an out of memory error, the trials and tribulations of closed source drivers I guess.
Another word of warning: The Progress-provided (Data Direct?) JDBC drivers can't cope with the Progress "feature" that allows more data to be stored in a field than is specified in the schema and will just crash when such a record is seen. Had much better luck with the three-tier OpenLink JDBC drivers.