Translating the Pentaho Administration Console and Pentaho Enterprise Console

Translating the Pentaho Administration Console and Pentaho Enterprise Console

Translating the Pentaho Administration Console and Pentaho Enterprise Console

Both the Pentaho Enterprise Console and the Pentaho Administration Console use a message bundle called PacLocalizedMessages.properties which contains all of the text content common to each console. The default language is English, but you can translate the message bundles for any language.

The following additional languages are shipped with the Pentaho Enterprise Console only:

*Simplified Chinese

The core Pentaho Administration Console bundle will still have to be translated, even if there is already a translated bundle for the Pentaho Enterprise Console.

The instructions differ slightly between PAC and PEC because of JAR name differences and extra features in PEC. Follow the directions below for the console you are using (PEC for Enterprise Edition, and PAC for Community Edition).

Pentaho Administration Console

If you would like to make a message bundle for another language, check out the pentaho-open-admin-console project, and edit the /org/pentaho/pac/client/i18n/PacLocalizedMessages.properties file in it. Create a translated copy of that message bundle, appending the ISO language code appropriately. Rebuild the application when the new bundle is ready. You cannot drop the message bundle directly into the compiled JAR.


For a Japanese translation, you would create a file called PacLocalizedMessages_ja.properties. Search Google if you do not know what your two-letter ISO language code is. Two-letter country codes are also supported, so you can have a PacLocalizedMessages_fr_CA.properties for a French Canadian locale.

Pentaho Enterprise Console

If you would like to create a message bundle for another language, create a translated copy of the default PacLocalizedMessages.properties file found inside of the pentaho-open-admin-console-3.0.0-GA.jar file, appending the ISO language code appropriately. The exact path to the file is /pentaho/server/admin-console/lib/pentaho-open-admin-console-3.0.0-GA.jar/org/pentaho/pac/client/i18n/PacLocalizedMessages.properties

PEC contains an extra set of functions that have a separate message bundle inside the pentaho-bi-platform-engine-core-3.0.0-GA.jar file. The exact location of the extra message bundle is: /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/lib/pentaho-bi-platform-engine-core-3.0.0-GA.jar/org/pentaho/platform/engine/core/messages/messages.properties

The JARs will have to be unpacked with an archive utility before you can edit files inside of them. Once you have the modified properties files, send them to your Pentaho support representative and ask to have them included in the next official Pentaho Enterprise Console release. You cannot drop the message bundles directly into the compiled JARs.


For a Japanese translation, you would create files called PacLocalizedMessages_ja.properties and messages_ja.properties. Search Google if you do not know what your two-letter ISO language code is. Two-letter country codes are also supported, so you can have a PacLocalizedMessages_fr_CA.properties for a French Canadian locale.