Internationalization Guide

Internationalization Guide

This section may be outdated for version 2.0. It was copied from the version 1.7.0 documentation, and has not yet been updated. Once updated, please remove this note.

This guide will help you translate the Pentaho BI Platform from English to another language. You can do this using the Pre-Configured Installation and a text editor. All of the messages for the user interface and log files are stored in text files. The names of these text files all end in '.properties' and are located in many folders. To support a new language you need to create .properties files for your language. There is a standard way to name these files, and we have created the files for several requested languages.

In constructing the Pentaho BI Platform, we have adhered to Sun's standards for internationalizing a Java application. This should make preparing the platform for any language a matter of translation and not software modification. To read about Sun's internationalization standards and how to internationalize a Java application, we recommend the following reads:

This Internationalization Guide does not cover how to translate the included data that is used by the Pentaho sample solutions.

See also:
Localizing Ad Hoc Reporting