01. Getting Started

01. Getting Started

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  1. First visit the Internationalization Forum at http://www.pentaho.org/discussion to see if other people have started translations for your language.
  2. If you want to translate into French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or Chinese we have created the .properties files for you. If you want to translate into another language email communityconnection@pentaho.orgor post onto the Pentaho forums.
  3. Download the latest version of the Pre-Configured Installation which is labeled 'pentaho_demo-x.x.x.x.zip' from SourceForge. Make sure you know how to run the demo web pages, portal pages and samples. Use the 'Getting Started Guide' and the forums for help.
  4. Look in the Pre-Configured Installation and 'pentaho-solutions' directories for files with names ending in .properties. You will see
    • *.properties (English)
    • *_fr.properties (French)
    • *_de.properties (German)
    • *_it.properties (Italian)
    • *_es.properties (Spanish)
    • *_pt.properties (Portugese)
    • *_cn.properties (Chinese)

If your language is not in this list, or you wish to create a country-specific version, e.g. French Canadian, contact communityconnection@pentaho.org and we will help you. For a list of the standard language and country codes read these web sites: