07. Unicode Support
Unicode is supported by the Pentaho BI Platform. Follow these guidelines for successful translations.
Properties Files
These files will be read as ISO-8859-1 encoded files. To store Unicode characters in these files they must be encoded using Java, \uNNNN, or XML, NNNN;, encoding and stored as ASCII files. You can use a text editor such as SC Unipad (http://www.unipad.org) to edit the Pentaho .properties files and save them in the correct format.
XML Files
These files must be stored with all Unicode characters encoded using XML, NNNN;, encoding.
XSL Files
Unicode characters stored in the XSLs must be stored using XML, NNNN;, encoding. Unicode characters in messages stored in org/Pentaho/ui/messages.properties that are used in XSLs should be accessed using msg:getXslString and output escaping should be disabled.
<xsl:value-of select="msg:getXslString('UI.USER_FILTER_PANEL_HINT')" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
JFreeReport Definitions
Unicode characters in report definitions for JFreeReport should be stored using XML, NNNN;, encoding. In addition the report configuration section should specify that Identity-H encoding and embedded fonts should be used for PDF output.
<configuration> <property name="org.jfree.report.modules.output.pageable.pdf.Encoding">Identity-H</property> <property name="org.jfree.report.modules.output.pageable.pdf.EmbedFonts">true</property> </configuration>
You need to use fonts that support Unicode characters such as 'Ariel Unicode MS'