Resultset Crosstab
This method takes a column of data, and turns it into multiple columns based on the values within the column. The measure column specified is then distributed among the newly created columns. Sparse data is handled by populating missing cells with nulls. This version of the method also takes two additional parameters - the column to sort the new columns by, and a formatter for that column.
Starting Resultset
Month |
Vender |
Rank |
Counts |
Jan |
A-A-A |
2 |
92 |
Jan |
Acme |
3 |
200 |
Jan |
Ajax |
4 |
163 |
Feb |
Acme |
3 |
27 |
Feb |
Ajax |
4 |
102 |
Mar |
Donn |
1 |
427 |
Mar |
A-A-A |
2 |
301 |
Mar |
Acme |
3 |
82 |
With the following parmeters
<pivot_column>1</pivot_column> <measures_column>3</measures_column> <sort_by_column>2</sort_by_column> <sort_format_type>Decimal</sort_format_type> <sort_format_string>###,###.##</sort_format_string>
Would Become
Month |
Donn |
A-A-A |
Acme |
Ajax |
Jan |
null |
92 |
200 |
163 |
Feb |
null |
null |
27 |
102 |
Mar |
427 |
301 |
82 |
null |
Component Name: ResultSetCrosstabComponent
Component Definitions: None
Resources: None
result_set -- (Required) The input data to transform (must be a IPentahoResultSet).
pivot_column -- (Required) Integer value of the column ordinal on which to perform the pivot.
measures_column -- (Required) Integer value of the ordinal of the desired measures column to distribute to the new columns created
format_type -- (Optional) Valid values of "decimal" and "date". Indicates that the "format_string" is of type decimal or date. Defaults to no formatting
format_string -- (Required if format_type is defined) A string value that contains a valid java.text.DecimalFormat string or a valid java.text.SimpleDateFormat string for formatting the measure output.
ordered_maps -- (Optional) Boolean (true/false) value that if true, will sort the new column names alphabetically. If false, the colums will be created in the order of appearance in the rows.
sort_by_col -- (Optional) Integer value of the column to use to sort the newly created columns by. Default to no sorting.
sort_format_type -- (Optional) Valid values of "decimal" and "date". Indicates that the "format_string" is of type decimal or date. This formatter is used to transform the sort column to a string.
sort_format_string -- (Required if sort_format_type is defined) A string value that contains a valid java.text.DecimalFormat string or a valid java.text.SimpleDateFormat string for transforming the sort column to a string.
unique_row_identifier_column -- (Optional) A Integer value that is a ordinal value of the column that will contain unique rows.
non_ordered -- (Optional) Boolean (true/false) value that if true will cause the transformation to work as if unique_row_identifier_column is not defined. Defaults false.
Arbitrary output name that will be mapped to the resulting IPentahoResultset