MDX Query
The MDX lookup provides a facility to query multidimensional datasources using the the MDX query structure.
connection -- This is a JDBC connect string for the desired datasource. If you need connectivity to a datasource other than hypersonic you must provide the JDBC drivers in a connection string see mdx-connection-sring below for information on how to do this. Either this node or the mdx-connection-sring must be supplied.
A Special Note: To share a Mondrian connection with the PivotViewComponent (JPivot), you must specify the connection in a specific format: java:comp/env/jdbc/DATASOURCE_NAME. This will allow caching across the MDXLookupRule and the JPivot Component.
mdx-connection-sring - This can be used in lieu of all the above connection properties and in fact will override the above properties should any exist. This string is a semicolon separated named properties list that is parsed by mondrian to create the connection. Here is an example for a connection based on the mdx-connection-string: mondrian; Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart; Catalog=/WEB-INF/FoodMart.xml. When using this format the user name and password could be passed in as part of the jdbc connection string. This is dependent on the driver being used. Driver names can also be passed in on this string. More information about this type of connection string consult the mondrian documentation. Either this or JDBC Connection must be specified.
user-id - The JDBC user ID. If using other than hypersonic as the datasource then this may not evaluate correctly and you may need to use the mdx-connection-sring (see below) to set the user ID and password.
password - The JDBC password If using other than hypersonic as the datasource then this may not evaluate correctly and you may need to use the mdx-connection-sring (see below) to set the user ID and password.
query - This is the MDX query string that defines the desired dataset. For more information about MDX query strings consult the mondrian documentation or visit:
Catalog -- The ROLAP catalog path. If the catalog starts with HTTP then this path is evaluated as an absolute URL and the system will attempt to load the catalog directly. If the catalog does not start with HTTP then the path is assumed to be from the solution root and a URL is constructed accordingly and passed to the datasource engine (mondrian).Either this or MDX Connection must be specified.
An output name must be specified. This is the name of the result set which is an implementation of the IPentahoResultset