Secure Filter (Prompting)
The secure filter component has two separate but related functions. It allows you to customize the default prompting done by the runtime context and can verify that only valid selections are returned.
From the example below, the Secure Filter Component will check for a parameter named DEPARTMENT, if it doesn't exist, it will generate the prompt and add values to select from based on the values in the "Display" column of the DEPARTMENT_FILTER parameter.
When the selection has been made by the user, and DEPARTMENT is passed back to the Action Sequence and eventually to the Secure Filter component, it will verify that the value returned exists in the "Dept" column.
If the value of DEPARTMENT is valid, execution of the Action Sequence will continue on to the next component in the sequence.
<action-definition> <component-name>SecureFilterComponent</component-name> <action-inputs> <DEPARTMENT type="string"/> <DEPARTMENT_FILTER type="result-set"/> </action-inputs> <action-outputs/> <component-definition> <selections> <DEPARTMENT optional="false" style="select" prompt-if-one-value="true"> <filter value-col-name="Dept" display-col-name="Display"> DEPARTMENT_FILTER </filter> <title>Select the Department</title> </DEPARTMENT> </selections> <xsl>CustomReportParameters.xsl</xsl> <target>Report_Window</target> </component-definition> </action-definition>
The optional attribute specifies if the parameter is required or not. If required, the user must fill in the value before continuing.
The style attribute defines the style of control that will be presented to the user
The prompt-if-one-value attribute if checked still prompt the user, even if there is only one choice
The title attribute defines text description that will be presented to the user
Component Definitions:
- selections - Child element names are used as the selection names
- optional attribute - if set to true, the selection is optional
- style attribute - defines the style type, valid selections include text-box, radio, select, list, list-multi, check-multi, check-multi-scroll, check-multi-scroll-2-column, check-multi-scroll-3-column, and check-multi-scroll-4-column
- prompt-if-one-value attribute - true if prompt is still necessary with a single value
- title - contains the title of this selection
- filter attribute - if set to "none", filter element is not required
- filter - defines the input parameter to be used in the filter
- value-col-name attribute - specifies the input value
- display-col-name attribute - specifies the display value
Action Inputs:
Inputs must be specified for each selection and its data source, as defined in the selections section of the component definition.
Action Outputs:
There are no action outputs for the SecureFilterComponent