Pivot View
This component returns an interactive pivot view screen to the browser based upon input settings and a Mondrian MDX query.
Component Name: PivotViewComponent
Component Definitions:
mode -- (Required) mode of execution only value supported at this time is "execute"
model -- (Required) URI of the applicable Mondrian model.
options -- (Optional) List of buttons and decorations to display on the toolbar. Valid items are "cube-nav", "mdx-edit", "sort-conf", "spacer", "level-style", "hide-spans", "properties", "non-empty", "swap-axes", "drill-member", "drill-position", "drill-replace", "drill-thru", "chart", "chart-conf", "print-conf", "print-pdf", and "excel". If not defined then ALL the above buttons will be used.
connection -- (Required if jndi not defined) jdbc connection string to connect to the desired database
mdx -- (Required) mdx query of the default or defined cube.
query -- (Required if query-name not defined) MDX query to use when generating initial mdx.
query-name -- (Required if query not defined) name of MDX query to use when generating mdx.
jndi -- (Required if connection not defined) jndi connection name to connect to the desired database
title -- (Required) Title of the analysis view (becomes the title at top of window)
url -- (Required) Url of the output... very often it will be a <response>redirect</response> for the browser
viewer -- (Required) "Pivot" is the only value supported (Uses the Pivot.jsp).
showgrid -- (Optional) Displays the cross-tab grid (defaults to true)
charttype -- (Optional) Integer that determines the type of chart to display. 1=Vertical Bar, 2=3D Vertical Bar, 3=Horizontal Bar, 4=3D Horizontal Bar, 5=Vertical Stacked Bar, 6=3D Vertical Stacked Bar, 7=Horizontal Stacked Bar, 8=3D Horizontal Stacked Bar, 9=Vertical Line, 10=Horizontal Line, 11=Vertical Area, 12=Horizontal Area, 13=Vertical Stacked Area, 14=Horizontal Stacked Area, 15=Pie Charts by Column, 16=Pie Charts by Row. Defaults to 1.
chartlocation -- (Optional) String that determines the position of the chart relative to the cross tab grid. Valid string are "top", "bottom", "left", and "right".
chartwidth -- (Optional) Integer that determines the pixel width of the chart. Defaults to 500.
chartheight -- (Optional) Integer that determines the pixel height of the chart. Defaults to 300.
chartdrillthroughenabled -- (Optional) boolean (true/false) determines of the pivot view will allow drill through. Default to "true".
charttitle -- (Optional) String that display as the name of the chart. Defaults to no title.
charttitlefontfamily -- (Optional) Name of the font to use for the chart title. Valid values are "sansserif", "serif", and "monospaced". Defaults to "sansserif"
charttitlefontstyle -- (Optional) Integer representing the style to use for the chart title. Valid values are 0=plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3 = bold + italic. Defaults to 1.
charttitlefontsize -- (Optional) Integer representing the size of font to use for the chart title. Valid values are the even integers 8-32. Defaults to 18.
charthorizaxislabel -- (Optional) String value to use for the horizontal axis label. Defaults to no label.
chartvertaxislabel -- (Optional) String value to use for the vertical axis label. Defaults to no label.
chartaxislabelfontfamily -- (Optional) Name of the font to use for the axis. Valid values are "sansserif", "serif", and "monospaced". Defaults to "sansserif"
chartaxislabelfontstyle -- (Optional) Integer representing the style to use for the chart axis labels. Valid values are 0=plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3 = bold + italic. Defaults to 0.
chartaxislabelfontsize -- (Optional) Integer representing the size of font to use for the chart title. Valid values are the even integers 8-32. Defaults to 12.
chartaxistickfontfamily -- (Optional) Name of the font to use for the axis tick labels. Valid values are "sansserif", "serif", and "monospaced". Defaults to "sansserif".
chartaxistickfontstyle -- (Optional) Integer representing the style to use for the chart axis tick labels. Valid values are 0=plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3 = bold + italic. Defaults to 0.
chartaxistickfontsize -- (Optional) Integer representing the size of font to use for the chart tick labels. Valid values are the even integers 8-32. Defaults to 12.
chartaxisticklabelrotation -- (Optional) Integer representing the degrees of rotation to apply to the chart tick labels. Valid values are 0, 30, 45, and 90. Defaults to 30.
chartshowlegend -- (Optional) Boolean (true/false) determines if the chart legend is displayed. Defaults to "true".
chartlegendlocation -- (Optional) Integer value representing the location of the chart legend. Valid values are 1=top, 2=left, 3=bottom, 4=right. Defaults to 3.
chartlegendfontfamily -- (Optional) Name of the font to use for the chart legend. Valid values are "sansserif", "serif", and "monospaced". Defaults to "sansserif".
chartlegendfontstyle -- (Optional) Integer representing the style to use for the chart legend. Valid values are 0=plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3 = bold + italic. Defaults to 0.
chartlegendfontsize -- (Optional) Integer representing the size of font to use for the chart legend. Valid values are the even integers 8-32. Defaults to 10.
chartshowslicer -- (Optional) Boolean (true/false) value as to if the slicer should be show. Defaults to "true".
chartslicerlocation -- (Optional) Integer representing the location on the of the slicer relative to the chart frame. Valid values are 1=top, 2=left, 3=bottom, 4=right. Defaults to 1. No effect if chartshowslicer is set to false.
chartsliceralignment -- (Optional) Integer representing the alignment of the chart slicer. Valid values are 1=Left, 2=Right, 3=Center. Defaults to 3. No effect if chartshowslicer set to false.
chartslicerfontfamily -- (Optional) Name of the font to use for the chart slicer. Valid values are "sansserif", "serif", and "monospaced". Defaults to "sansserif".
chartslicerfontstyle -- (Optional) Integer representing the style to use for the chart slicer. Valid values are 0=plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3 = bold + italic. Defaults to 0.
chartslicerfontsize -- (Optional) Integer representing the size of font to use for the chart slicer. Valid values are the even integers 8-32. Defaults to 12.
chartbackgroundr -- (Optional) Integer representing the red component of the chart background. Valid values are 0-255. Defaults to 255.
chartbackgroundg -- (Optional) Integer representing the green component of the chart background. Valid values are 0-255. Defaults to 255.
chartbackgroundb -- (Optional) Integer representing the blue component of the chart background. Valid values are 0-255. Defaults to 255.
role -- (Optional) A role to use with the mondrian query.
cube -- (Optional) A cube name. Only necessary for schema that contain more than one cube.
User defined output. The output of the Pivot View component is piped through to the Pivot.jsp viewer.