Configuring Security with Pentaho Administration Console
This guide will help you configure security in your pentaho administration console. The information provided here is based on Jetty 6.12 and JettyPlus 6.12 release, as pentaho administration console uses an embedded jetty server. Out of the box pentaho administration console using a properties based login module but you can plugin any of the login module from below or write your own.
Sample Login Modules
We'll take a look at all of these, but first, a word about password handling in pentaho administration console, as it applies to all LoginModules.
Passwords can be stored in clear text, obfuscated or checksummed. The class org.mortbay.util.Password should be used to generate all varieties of passwords,the output from which can be cut and pasted into property files or entered into database tables.
> java \-cp lib/jetty-6.1.2.jar Usage - java org.mortbay.util.Password \[<user>\] <password> > java \-cp lib/jetty-6.1.2.jar;lib/jetty-util-6.1.9.jar me you you OBF:20771x1b206z MD5:639bae9ac6b3e1a84cebb7b403297b79 CRYPT:me/ks90E221EY
The JDBCLoginModule stores user passwords and roles in a database that are accessed via JDBC calls. You can configure the JDBC connection information, as well as the names of the table and columns storing the username and credential, and the name of the table and columns storing the roles.
Here is an example login module configuration file entry for it using an HSQLDB driver:
JDBCLoginModule { required debug="true" dbUrl="jdbc:hsqldb:." dbUserName="sa" dbPassword="password" dbDriver="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" userTable="myusers" userField="myuser" credentialField="mypassword" userRoleTable="myuserroles" userRoleUserField="myuser" userRoleRoleField="myrole"; };
There is no particular schema required for the database tables storing the authentication and role information. The properties userTable, userField, credentialField, userRoleTable, userRoleUserField, userRoleRoleField configure the names of the tables and the columns within them that are used to format the following queries:
select <credentialField> from <userTable> where <userField> =? select <userRoleRoleField> from <userRoleTable> where <userRoleUserField> =?
Credential and role information is lazily read from the database when a previously unauthenticated user requests authentication. Note that this information is only cached for the length of the authenticated session. When the user logs out or the session expires, the information is flushed from memory.
Be Careful
Pay and extra attention to the semi-colon at the end of last entry in the login.conf. Without that you will get error in authentication. JDBCLoginModule key in the login.conf needs to be exactly same as the value in Here is the snippet of a correct in this case
# Security Authentication Section for Enterprise Console,server-administrator,content-administrator,
Note that passwords can be stored in the database in plain text or encoded formats, using the class.
Similar to the JDBCLoginModule, but this LoginModule uses a DataSource to connect to the database instead of a jdbc driver. The DataSource is obtained by doing a jndi lookup on java:comp/env/$dnJNDIName
Here is a sample login module configuration for it:
ds { required debug="true" dbJNDIName="ds" userTable="myusers" userField="myuser" credentialField="mypassword" userRoleTable="myuserroles" userRoleUserField="myuser" userRoleRoleField="myrole"; };
With this login module implementation, the authentication and role information is read from a property file.
props { required debug="true" file="/somewhere/somefile.props"; };
The file parameter is the location of a properties file of the same format as the etc/ example file. The format is:
<username>: <password>\[,<rolename> ...\]
Here's an example:
admin: OBF:1xmk1w261u9r1w1c1xmq,user,admin superadmin: changeme,user,developer master: MD5:164c88b302622e17050af52c89945d44,user : CRYPT:adpexzg3FUZAk,admin
The contents of the file are fully read in and cached in memory the first time a user requests authentication.
Changing the admin password
Since Pentaho Administration Console is based on Jetty, the password can be changed according to Jetty's Securing Passwords instructions. The only caveat is that the jetty*.jar
files mentioned in the instructions are found in the enterprise-console/lib
java -cp enterprise-console/lib/jetty-xxx.jar:enterprise-console/lib/jetty-util-xxx.jar admin password1
Changing the default security settings
The configuration for the security setting is stored in the security section of
\# Pentaho Administration Console's Jetty Server Settings console.start.port.number=8088 console.stop.port.number=8033 \# SSL Section for Pentaho Administration Console console.ssl.enabled=false console.ssl.port.number=8143 keyAlias=jetty keyPassword=changeit keyStore=resource/config/keystore keyStorePassword=changeit trustStore=resource/config/keystore trustStorePassword=changeit wantClientAuth=false needClientAuth=false \# Security Authentication Section for Pentaho Administration Console,
By default the security is enabled. To change the roles you want to allow the application to access provide your list of roles in the property. By default the roles are comma separated but you can change that configuration also by providing your delimiter in the property. The login module name needs to be provided for the property name This is the name you have given to your login module in the login.conf file. Finally you have to provide the location of your login.conf file in the property.
Writing Your Own
If you want to implement your own custom LoginModule, there are two classes to be familiar with:
package; public abstract class AbstractLoginModule implements LoginModule { ... public abstract UserInfo getUserInfo (String username) throws Exception; }
package; public class UserInfo { public UserInfo (String userName, Credential credential, List roleNames) { ... } public String getUserName() { ... } public List getRoleNames () { ... } public boolean checkCredential (Object suppliedCredential) { ... } }
The implements all of the methods. All you need to do is to implement the getUserInfo method to return a instance which encapsulates the username, password and role names (note: as {{java.lang.String}}s) for a user.
The AbstractLoginModule does not support any caching, so if you want to cache UserInfo (eg as does the then you must provide this yourself.