Executing a PDI transformation

Executing a PDI transformation

Executing a PDI transformation

When we execute a transformation we typically load the ETL metadata that describes the workload.  This is handled by the TransMeta object.  Then we execute this workload with a transformation engine handled by the Trans object.  This means we first need to load a TransMeta object from XML (with a TransMeta constructor as described below where repository can be null) or from a repository

// Initialize, load settings, plugins, ...


TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta("/foo/bar/trans.ktr", repository);
Trans Trans = new Trans(transMeta);

// The following will run the transformation in a separate thread.

// If you want to wait until the transformation is finished...
trans.waitUntilFinished(); //

// If you want to know about the execution result.
Result result = trans.getResult();

The Result object contains all sorts of interesting results pertaining to the execution, including the number of errors, parsed files and much more as described over here.

Note: command line arguments are not to be confused with named parameters.

Want to add parameters, variables or arguments to your transformation execution?

try {
  for (String key : parameterMap.keySet()) {
    transMeta.setParameterValue(key, parameterMap.get(key));
  for (String key : variableMap.keySet()) {
    transMeta.setVariable(key, variableMap.get(key));
} catch (UnknownParamException e) {


Retrieving data from a step

To retrieve rows of data from any Kettle step copy you can attach a row listener to the step.

Trans Trans = new Trans(transMeta);

// prepare the execution of the transformation (instead of simply execute)

// Find a step thread (ready to run but not yet started)
// You can also use method Trans.findBaseStep which gives back a list of all the step copies
StepInterface step = trans.findRunThread("Your Step Name");

// Attach a row listener to a step copy
step.addRowListener(new RowAdapter() {

    public void rowReadEvent(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row) throws KettleStepException {
       // Here you get the rows as they are read by the step     

    public void rowWrittenEvent(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row) throws KettleStepException {
       // Here you get the rows as they are written by the step

// Now start the transformation threads...

// If you want to wait until the transformation is finished...
trans.waitUntilFinished(); //

// If you want to know about the execution result.
Result result = trans.getResult();

Passing rows of data to a transformation

To pass rows of data to a Kettle transformation you can use an Inject step as a placeholder.

See the documentation for more information regarding Kettle API usage.

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