Components Overview
Version 2.x Documentation Only
This space contains documentation for the Community Dashboard Framework version 2.x.
For version 3.x download and install the cdf framework , which contains the latest documentation.
One of the fundamental changes in the new dashboard framework is the use of components. In the first phase these components get defined in a special syntax, which essentially describes a javascript object.
It's likely that the component list will grow with time; Also, since this is the first release, the specification of some component may change in future versions.
The component definition starts with an identifier and a list of properties within the curly crackets after the equal sign. Except after the last property, all properties are followed by a comma.
This is a list of properties which are currently supported by the framework's components:
Property |
Description |
Default value (must be present) |
Type |
Required for |
name |
Name of the component |
String |
all |
type |
Type of the component |
String |
all |
solution |
Solution of the xaction |
String |
path |
Path to the xaction within the solution |
String |
action |
Name of the xaction to be executed |
String |
listeners |
A change in on of this variables triggers a refresh of the component |
[] |
Array of Strings |
valuesArray |
Array of values for selectors |
[] |
Array of Strings |
Multiple choice selector components |
parameters |
Parameters to execute the xaction |
[] |
Array of String arrays |
parameter |
The dashboard variable that gets set by this component |
String |
htmlObject |
The id of the html tag that display this component (usually a <div>) |
String |
all |
expression |
Function to return a parametrized String |
function(){}; |
text |
executeAtStart |
Should the component be executed when the dashboard is loaded? (true or false) |
function(){}; |
boolean |
all |
preExecution |
This Javascript function will be executed before the components executes |
function |
postExecution |
This Javascript function will be executed after the components executes |
function |
preChange |
This Javascript function will be executed before a selector change propagates |
function |
postChange |
This Javascript function will be executed after a selector change propagates |
function |
These componets have been implemented so far:
Creates a list of labeled checkboxes from the result set of the defined Action Sequence
regionCheck = { name: "regionCheck", type: "check", solution: "dashboards", path: "sample_dashboard_components", action: "regions.xaction", parameters:\[\], parameter:"region", htmlObject: "object_check", executeAtStart: true, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }
Creates a textbox with a connect date picker using the same calendar as adhoc component
dateInput = { name: "dateInput", type: "dateInput", parameter:"dateStart", htmlObject: "object_dateInput", executeAtStart: true, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }
Create a list of labeled radio buttons from the result set of the defined Action Sequence
regionRadio = { name: "regionRadio", type: "radio", solution: "dashboards", path: "sample_dashboard_components", action: "regions.xaction", parameters:\[\], parameter:"region", htmlObject: "object_radio", executeAtStart: true, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }
Create a single select drop down list from the result set of defined Action Sequence
regionSelector = { name: "regionSelector", type: "select", solution: "dashboards", path: "sample_dashboard_components", action: "regions.xaction", parameters:\[\], parameter:"region", htmlObject: "object_select", executeAtStart: true, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){Dashboards.processChange(;} }
Create a multi select list from the result set of defined Action Sequence
regionSelectorMulti = { name: "regionSelectorMulti", type: "selectMulti", solution: "dashboards", path: "sample_dashboard_components", action: "regions.xaction", parameters:\[\], parameter:"region", htmlObject: "object_multi", size: "4", executeAtStart: true, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }
Updates the text in a HTML String using the expression
titleString = { name: "regionVarianceBarChart", type: "text", listeners:\["region","dateStart"\], htmlObject: "text_object", executeAtStart: true, expression: function(){return "'Chosen region: ' + region + '; Start date: ' + dateStart"}, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }
Creates a text imput field.
regionText = { name: "regionText", type: "textInput", parameter:"region", htmlObject: "object_textInput", executeAtStart: true, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }
Excecutes a Action Sequence and displays the result in the HTML tag.
regionVarianceBarChart = { name: "regionVarianceBarChart", type: "xaction", solution: "dashboards", path: "sample_dashboard_components", action: "RegionVarianceBarChart.xaction", listeners:\["region"\], parameters: \[\["REGION","region"\]\], htmlObject: "object_2", executeAtStart: false, }
Excecutes a JPivot Action Sequence and creates an iframe where the pivot table is embedded
pivot = { name: "pivot", type: "jpivot", solution: "dashboards", path: dashBoardName, action: "Pivot.xaction", parameters:[["territory","territory"],["productLine","productLine"]], listeners:["territory","productLine"], htmlObject: "pivot_object", executeAtStart: true }
Advanced component that supports openlayers map
TODO: Needs better documentation and examples
map = { name: "map", type: "map", solution: "dashboards", path: dashBoardName, action: "GetPoints.xaction", parameters:[["dateStart","dateStart"],["dateEnd","dateEnd"],["zonename","zone"]], listeners:["zone","topThreshold","bottomThreshold","dateStart","dateEnd"], messageElementId: "messages", evolutionElementId: "chart", htmlObject: "map", executeAtStart: true, initPosLon: -7.5, initPosLat: 39.8, initZoom: 7, expression: function(){return "var icon=''; if (value < bottomThreshold){icon = markers[2];} else if (value > topThreshold){icon = markers[0];} else {icon = markers[1];}; icon"}, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){}, markers: ["js/OpenMap/OpenLayers/img/marker-green.png","js/OpenMap/OpenLayers/img/marker-gold.png","js/OpenMap/OpenLayers/img/marker.png"] }
A special component that displays chart when we click on it
table = { name: "table", type: "mapBubble", listeners:["selectedPoint"], solution: "dashboards", path: dashBoardName, action: "dial.xaction", executeAtStart: false, preExecution:function(){}, postExecution:function(){} }