JBoss Rules (Drools) support

JBoss Rules (Drools) support

Community home page for visual creating bussines rules



This way of creating rules is intended for drawing very complicated rules on "complex" data model without knowledge of Rule engine syntax

Visual writing business rules, and visual programming is a constant interest in our group. Practical implementation  one, of the many ideas for bussines rules visualisation  was created based on specific client needs  Customs Republic Croatia ( 40 000 documents on 1000>+  rules each working day.This application is mission critical application.
Requests were

  • Owners of bussines rules (Not IT programmers) have to manage, create and implement bussines  rules by thmselves
  • Rules that describe the problem space is very complicate and large , because :
  1. Data model as persistance  of document model is relatively complex
  2. Number of attributes by document is about 130
  3. Number of logical relations by the rule is large
  4.  Customs problem space is very complicated

Visual managment of Expert systems in the meaning of knowledge acquisition, creating and maintaining rules is a permanent AI challenge. This project deals with these issues in its basis and wider.

Relative pragmatics

Purpose of infiltration Business Rules which are results of expert experience of a specific problem space in a BI system makes BI as a tool for independent deduction.

Screenshots and Recorded Demo 



Project Summary

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