Flash Bar Chart
Unknown macro: {scrollbar}
Bar Chart
The bar chart plots a set of values as bars for each series in the given dataset.
Dataset Guidelines
This chart expects its data as a categorical dataset.
Required Properties
The only property a bar chart requires is the appropriate chart-type.
The example below contains the full set of additional supported properties with comments on its purpose and valid values. It is recommended that new users start with this example as a starting place for building your first flash chart.
The following chart definition will produce the chart in the example below.
<chart> <!-- Define the chart type --> <chart-type>BarChart</chart-type> <!-- Specify the title of the chart --> <title>Chart Title</title> <title-font> <font-family>Arial</font-family> <size>18</size> <is-bold>true</is-bold> </title-font> <!-- General Chart Attributes --> <orientation>vertical</orientation> <!-- valid values: vertical, horizontal --> <is-stacked>false</is-stacked> <!-- set to true for a stacked bar --> <is-3D>false</is-3D> <is-glass>false</is-glass> <!-- set to true to apply the 'glass' style to bars --> <is-sketch>false</is-sketch> <!-- set to true to apply the 'sketch' style to bars --> <!-- additional properties specific to sketch charts --> <fun-factor>10</fun-factor> <!-- defines the messiness of bars, 0-2 tame, 3-6 pretty fun, 7+ lots of fun --> <outline-color-palette> <!-- defines the colors to use for outlines of bars --> <color>#000000</color> <color>#000000</color> </outline-color-palette> <!-- General Chart Formatting Properties --> <chart-background type="color">#FFFFFF</chart-background> <plot-background type="color">#FFFFFF</plot-background> <alpha>.70</alpha> <!-- sets the transparency level of bars --> <!-- Define what to display in hover tips --> <!-- <tooltip> --> <!-- #top# --> <!-- #bottom# --> <!-- #val# --> <!-- #x_label# --> <!-- #key# --> <!-- </tooltip> --> <!-- X-Axis properties (domain)--> <domain-title>Domain Title</domain-title> <domain-title-font> <font-family>Arial</font-family> <size>14</size> <is-bold>false</is-bold> </domain-title-font> <domain-color>#000000</domain-color> <!-- color of x-axis --> <domain-grid-color>#FFFFFF</domain-grid-color> <!-- color of vertical grid lines --> <domain-stroke>1</domain-stroke> <!-- thickness of the x-axis --> <!-- Y-Axis properties (range) --> <range-title>Range Title</range-title> <range-title-font> <font-family>Arial</font-family> <size>14</size> <is-bold>false</is-bold> </range-title-font> <range-minimum></range-minimum> <!-- defines minimum starting point for y-axis --> <range-maximum></range-maximum> <!-- defines maximum ending point for y-axis --> <range-color>#000000</range-color> <!-- color of y-axis --> <range-grid-color>#EAEAEA</range-grid-color> <!-- color of horizontal grid lines --> <range-stroke>1</range-stroke> <!-- thickness of y-axis --> <range-steps>6</range-steps> <!-- specify number of ticks, defaults to auto-calculated number --> <!-- Specify the color palette for the chart --> <color-palette> <color>#0f3765</color> <color>#880a0f</color> <color>#B09A6B</color> <color>#772200</color> <color>#C52F0D</color> <color>#123D82</color> <color>#4A0866</color> <color>#445500</color> <color>#FFAA00</color> <color>#1E8AD3</color> <color>#AA6611</color> <color>#772200</color> <color>#8b2834</color> </color-palette> </chart>