Bubble Chart

Bubble Chart

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}

Bubble Chart

A bubble chart draws bubbles for each point in a series. The chart expects three values per bubble: the domain (commonly the X-axis) value, the range (commonly the y-axis) value, and a third value (the Z value) that determines the size of the bubble to draw around the point.

The size of the bubble is derived from an algorithm that takes the Z value, divides it by the maximum Z value in the dataset, then multiplies that number by the max-bubble-size property value. See the section on required properties below for more information on the max-bubble-size property.

Dataset Guidelines

This chart expects its data as an XYZ dataset.

Required Properties

The following properties are required:






The max-bubble-size property is defaulted to zero, so in order to see your bubbles, you'll need to set this property! The value should be between 1 and 100, as a percentage of smaller to larger.


The optional chart properties that are supported for this chart are listed in the Chart Properties Reference.


The following chart definition will produce the chart in the example below.

	<title>Bubble Sample Chart</title>
	<range-title>Share of Total Budget</range-title>
	<domain-title>Share of Total Actual</domain-title>
	<domain-tick-format>#000 test</domain-tick-format>
		<![CDATA[{0} Act.: {1}, Budg.: {2} = Var.{3}]]>
	<bubble-lable-z-format>#,###.00 EUR</bubble-lable-z-format>