XY Step Chart
XY Step Chart
Unknown macro: {scrollbar}
XY Step Chart
The XY step chart consists of pairs of values (plotted as points) on a line for each series in the given dataset. Each line is drawn from point to point at a 90 degree angle. This chart will have two numeric axes.
Dataset Guidelines
This chart expects its data as an XY dataset.
Required Properties
The following properties are required:
The optional chart properties that are supported for this chart are listed in the Chart Properties Reference.
The following chart definition will produce the chart in the example below.
<chart> <chart-type>StepChart</chart-type> <dataset-type>XYSeriesCollection</dataset-type> <title>XY Series Sample Chart</title> <line-style>dashdotdot</line-style> <line-width>2</line-width> <subtitles> <subtitle>a sample step chart</subtitle> </subtitles> <chart-background type="color">#FFFFFF</chart-background> <plot-background type="color">#FFFFFF</plot-background> <height>550</height> <width>650</width> <color-palette> <color>#EE7733</color> <color>#9EAA36</color> <color>#BF0000</color> <color>#FCCF12</color> <color>#772200</color> <color>#DDCC88</color> <color>#123D82</color> <color>#4A0866</color> <color>#445500</color>- <color>#FFAA00</color> <color>#1E8AD3</color> <color>#AA6611</color> <color>#772200</color> </color-palette> <include-legend>true</include-legend> </chart>
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