Pentaho Charting Extensions

Pentaho Charting Extensions


JFreeReport and JFreeChart aren't tightly integrated - that is, neither project "knows" that the other project exists. Pentaho has provided some objects that can be used within the Pentaho platform for integrating these two projects at a fairly high level. However, to make them work together, you need to have two cooperative pieces - A Data Collector Function, and a Chart Expression. The data collector function is responsible for creating a JFreeChart dataset type that JFreeChart understands and can use as input data to plot the chart. The Chart Expression is used to actually draw the chart based on the collected data.

Pentaho currently provides the following collectors:

Collect Chart Data

Function Class



Data collector for Pie charts.


Data collector for Bar, Line, Area, and Multi-pie charts.


Data collector for Bar, Line, Area, and Multi-pie charts; pivots the data for a row-based dataset.


Data collector for Bar, Line, Area, Step, StepArea, Dot, and Difference charts with a time\date based domain axis.


Data collector for Bar, Line, Area, Step, StepArea, Dot, and Difference charts with numeric domain and range axes.


Data collector for Bubble charts.

Collector XML Examples

Pentaho 1.0 Collector XML Examples
Pentaho 1.1 and Later Collector XML Examples
Pentaho 1.6 and Later Collector XML Examples

Chart Properties and Hierarchy

Chart Properties And Hierarchy

Chart Expression XML Examples

Pentaho 1.0 Chart Expression XML Examples
Pentaho 1.1 and Later Chart Expression XML Examples
Pentaho 1.6 and Later Chart Expression XML Examples