03. Report Header and Footer

03. Report Header and Footer

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}

This section defines content that will print once at the beginning and end of the report. All objects contained within this section will inherit this attribute unless specified directly by the objects.
The report header can contain any band-element. The height of the report header is ignored, if the header and footer is printed on the same page.

Report Section

XML Syntax


Report Header


Prints on the first page.

Report Footer


Prints on the last page.


First Line
Second Line
Third Line

<reportheader height="72" alignment="left" font="Arial" fontsize="12">
  <label height="25%" width="100%" alignment="left" x="0" y="0">First Line</label>
  <label height="25%" width="100%" alignment="left" x="0" y="25%">Second Line</label>
  <label height="25%" width="100%" alignment="left" x=0 y="50%">Third Line</label>


<reportheader alignment="left" font="Arial" fontsize="12">
  <label height="18" width="100%" alignment="left" x="0" y="0">First Line</label>
  <label height="18" width="100%" alignment="left" x="0" y="18">Second Line</label>
  <label height="18" width="100%" alignment="left" x=0 y="36">Third Line</label>

Detailed Properties