Pentaho Community Gathering Brazil 2012

Pentaho Community Gathering Brazil 2012

The Pentaho Community Gathering Brazil 2012 will take place this year in Recife - PE, on May 7, 2012.

Location: Building the Porto Digital , Street Apolo , 181 - Recife Antigo, Pernambuco, Brazil

Event Schedule

9:00 Opening (30 min) (Openning)
a. Digital Port (Infrastructure Partner)
b. Softex (Business Partner)
c. Oncase (About the Company) Iande Coutinho

9:30 Introduction to Business Intelligence / Business Analytics (Coutinho Iande) 15min
a. History (background)
b. CPM, BSC, CRM, BPM (Some other tecnology)
c. Scenario Brazil (Brazil's background)

Pentaho 30min 10:00 (Sam, Pentaho)
a. Moment of the world pentaho (Pentaho's Momentum)
b. Pentaho Platform
c. Pentaho Agile BI

10:30 Coffee Break / Networking 15 min
10:45 Brazil Pentaho Community (Caio Moreno, IT4Biz) 30 min
11:15 Cases - Pentaho in Government (Goverment Case Fabio Salles - SERPRO) 30 min
11:45 Cases - Pentaho in Private Enterprises (Private Sector Case) 15 min
12:00 Cases - Pentaho as a solution (to the Pentaho Solution, Rodrigo Cunha, Goon) 15 min
13:30 Workshop on Big Data (Jose Camara, Pentaho) 2 hr
15:30 Coffee Break / Networking 15 min
15:45 Workshop on In-memory Analisys. (Brian Hagan, Pentaho) 2hr
17:45 Projections / Trends (Future Trends, John Simon, Pentaho) 15 min
18:00 Closing (Ending)

Admission is free by reservation! there is room for 100 people!
interested parties to confirm their presence by email: atendimento@oncase.com.br or telephone 81 3077 8558.

Spread between their networks.

  • Use the hashtags # # pentahobrasil PentahoCommunityGatheringBrazil