09. Domain Backup and Recovery

Domain Backup Files

Each domain can be saved to the CWM repository with any name you like. Save and Save As options are available from both the Metadata Editor's File menu and toolbar.

Each time a domain is saved to the repository, a recovery export file of the domain is saved to the file system, under the .pentaho-meta directory. This directory is typically located in the user's home directory. This recovery file will have the last successfully saved state of the domain. The files are named "recovery_[studio:domainname].xmi".

Recovering From a Backup File

You can restore a domain to the last known successful state by importing the recovery file from the file system.

Domain restoration may be necessary because you simply want to revert to the last known good state of your domain, and more importantly in the case of repository errors or corruption.

Please Report Repository Errors

We are aware of cases where a domain is "lost" when errors occur during save. Unfortunately, we don't have enough details about these failures to track down the save error. If you have experienced repository errors or corruption, please report them in our JIRA issue tracker system with the following details:

  1. A stack trace of the exception, if available
  2. A list of steps to reproduce the error - in detail, what was the last three changes you made to the domain before attempting to save?