01. Installation

01. Installation

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Downloading the Latest Pentaho Metadata Editor

You can download the latest Pentaho Metadata Editor from the Sourceforge downloads site.

Installing the Pentaho Metadata Editor

Installing the Pentaho Metadata Editor is as simple as extracting the files from the archive file that you downloaded from our downloads site. You may extract the files to any directory of your choice.

There are a few additional requirements for the Pentaho Metadata Editor, listed below.

Additional Requirements

1. JRE Installed

You must have a JRE installed on your computer, version 1.5 or higher. The bin directory for the JRE should be registered on the system path.

2. Pentaho BI Server Available

Having access to a Pentaho BI server is only a requirement if you want to set up security in your metadata model, or if you want to publish your metadata domain to a server. Otherwise, you can work with all other features in the Pentaho Metadata Editor without a Pentaho BI server available.