07. Importing and Exporting Domains

07. Importing and Exporting Domains

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When you save a domain, the domain is stored in a metadata repository. The Pentaho BI Server does not use this repository yet to utilize your metadata domain. It uses an XML file exported from the Pentaho Metadata Editor. Exporting your domain is a good way to ensure safe backups of your domains. The export and import features are also useful in these early stages of development of the Pentaho Metadata Editor, in case you need to hand-tweak any of the metadata domain XML.

Exporting a Domain

  1. To export a domain, select the Export to XMI File option from the main menu's File menu.
  2. You may be prompted to save your model, if you have any unsaved changes pending. Click OK to save your changes.
  3. You will next be prompted for a file name and location. The default extension to a Pentaho metadata domain XML file is .xmi.

    Using the Exported File With a Pentaho BI Server

    If this export is for use with the Pentaho BI Server, we highly recommend you name your file metadata.xmi, as that is the only name the Pentaho BI Server understands right now.

    Once you have entered a name for your export file, the domain is exported to that file. You can inspect the export file with your favorite text editor, if you are curious about the XML.

Importing a Domain

  1. To import a domain, select the Import From XMI File option from the main menu's File menu.
  2. You may be prompted to save the currently active model, if you have any unsaved changes pending. On import of a new domain, the new domain will be become the active domain in the Pentaho Metadata Editor. Click OK to save your changes.
  3. You will next be prompted for the file you wish to import. Navigate to your domain file, select it, and click OK.
  4. You will be prompted to enter a name for this domain. If you enter the name of an already existing domain, that domain will be overwritten with the import.