Charting Style Communication
The following table defines the new/existing CSS styles that will be used to set chart style information.
XML Tags |
Style Name |
Description |
Values / Format |
series |
color |
Defines the color that should be used to render the data in the chart. |
color |
series |
-x-pentaho-chart-series-type |
Defines how the series of data should be rendered on the chart |
bar |
series |
-x-pentaho-chart-line-style |
Defines the style of the line to be used with the line chart |
solid |
series |
-x-pentaho-chart-bar-style |
Defines the style of the bar to be used when charting this series as a bar chart |
bar |
plot |
-x-pentaho-chart-orientation |
Defines if the chart should be created horizontally or vertically |
horizontal |
chart |
-x-pentaho-chart-categorical |
Indicates if the chart should be created as a categorical chart |
true |
series |
-x-pentaho-chart-bar-max-width |
Indicates the maximum width of a bar in a bar chart |
nn*%* |
series |
-x-pentaho-chart-drill-url |
Specifies a URL template that will be used to create the drill-through URL links |
none |
plot |
-x-pentaho-chart-axis-type |
Specifies some/all the following properties:
[PRPT:dimension] [PRPT:position] [PRPT:n] |
plot |
-x-pentaho-chart-axis-type-dimension |
Specifies the domain/range data type that this axis will represent |
domain |
plot |
-x-pentaho-chart-axis-type-position |
Specifies the side of the plot upon which this axis will be placed. (primary is the left / bottom; secdondary is the top / right) |
primary |
plot |
-x-pentaho-chart-axis-type-order |
Specifies an order for this axis. The lower the order number, the closer to the plot area this axis will be placed. |
n |