Chart Backlog

Chart Backlog

Story ID



As a report designer, I want to design a Bar Chart from my data.
Verify that I can make it horizontal or vertical
Verify that I can set it to non stack, stack, stack percentage or stack 100%
Verify that I can define grouping by category or categories (text or dates)
Verify that I can chart multiple series (numeric)
Verify that I can set gradients on a bars per category or per series
Verify that I can set the color on a bar per category or per series
Verify that I can set the border size and border style.
Verify that I can set the bar to cylinder
Verify that I  can set the bar width of the bars.
Verify that I can a label on the bar (number), it's formatting, numeric formatting and scale
Verify that I can set a target area
Verify that I can drill on the bar passing the category value in a custom URL
Verify that I can set a secondary Y axis


As a report designer, I want to design a Line Chart from my data.
Verify that I can chart multiple series (values)
Verify that I can set the line color, line size and line style per series
Verify that I can set a marker, size and shape per series
Verify that I can drill on the marker passing the category value in a custom URL
Verify that I can set a label on a plots in the line (number), it's formatting, numeric formatting and scale
Verify that I can set a target area
Verify that I can set a secondary Y-Axis


As a report designer, I want to design a Area Chart from my data.
Verify that I can chart multiple series (values)
Verify that I can set the color of the area
Verify that I can set the gradient of the area
Verify that I can set a label on a plot on the area (number), it's formatting, numeric formatting and scale
Verify that I can drill on the x-axis passing the category value in a custom URL. 


As a report designer, I want to design a Pie Chart from my data.
Verify that I can show label values (number, % or both) inside or outside pie,, it's numeric formatting and scale
Verify that I can explode a slide of the pie
Verify that I can set the color or gradient for a slice of the pie
Verify that I can drill on a slice passing the slice name in a custom URL


As a report designer, I want to design a Multi Pie Chart from my data.
Verify that I can show label values (number, % or both) inside or outside pie, it's numeric formatting and scale
Verify that I can explode a slide of the pie
Verify that I can set the color or gradient for a slice of the pie
Verify that I can drill on a slice passing the slice name and in a custom URL


As a report designer, I want to design a  Ring Chart from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a  Waterfall Chart from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a Multi Chart (Bar, Line, & Area Combined) from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a Bubble Chart from  my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a Scatter Chart from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a XY Area from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a XY Bar from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a  XY Line Chart from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to design a  XY Line Extended Chart from my data.
Verify that I ...


As a report designer, I want to rotate the labels on the x and y axis.
Verify that I can specify this in degrees.


As a report designer, I want to set the formatting the labels on the x and y axis.
Verify that I can set the font, font size, font style and font color.


As a report designer, I want to set the background of the plot area.
Verify that I can set it to a background image (centered, stretched or titled), color or pattern


As a report designer, I want to set the background of the canvas area.
Verify that I can set it to a background image (centered, stretched or titled), color or pattern


As a report designer, I want to set the chart to 3-D.


As a report designer, I want to set the vertical and horizontal grid lines.
Verify that I can set the line style and line size


As a report designer, I want to set the min, max and step for my values axis.
Verify that I can set these values or auto calculate them
Verify that I can set the min to be the "lowest" value


As a report designer, I want to set the numeric formatting and scaling for my values axis.


As a report designer, I want to set the padding (beginning & ending) of the x-axis.


As a report designer, I want to set the distance between bars and groups when using bars on charts.


As a report designer, I want to format the legend.
Verify that I can set the font, font size, font style, and font color
Verify that I can set legend background color
Verify that I can set legend map colors or to patterns
Verify that I can set location of legend to either top, bottom, left or right


As a report designer, I want the option not to chart data point values that are null or empty. 


As a report designer,  I want the option not to chart data point values that are zero.


As a report designer, I want to set the Title for the chart.
Verify that I can set the font, font size, font style and font color.


As a report designer, I want to set the title of the x and y axis. 
Verify that I can set the font, font size, font style and font color.


As a report designer, I want to view the chart from various angles.
Verify that I can rotate the full chart (look from left or look from right)
Verify that I can set the perspective (look from above or below)