Pentaho Community Gathering Brazil 2013
The Pentaho Day / Pentaho Community Gathering Brazil 2013 will take place this year in Fortaleza - CE, on April 20, 2013.
Location: Building the FA7 (Faculdade 7 de Setembro) Avenida Almirante Maximiniano da Fonseca, 1395 - Fortaleza, Ceará, 60811-020
Event Schedule
9:00 Opening (30 min) (Openning)
a. FA7 e ITIC (Infrastructure Partner)
b. Fortaleza Pentaho Community (Roneltton e João Paulo)
9:30 Introduction to Business Intelligence / Business Analytics (Coutinho Iande) 15min
a. History (background)
b. CPM, BSC, CRM, BPM (Some other tecnology)
c. Scenario Brazil (Brazil's background)
10:30 Coffee Break / Networking 15 min
10:45 Brazil Pentaho Community + Open Data (Caio Moreno, IT4Biz/ Blog Professor Coruja) 30 min
11:15 Cases - Pentaho in Government (Goverment Case Fabio Salles - SERPRO) 30 min ???
11:15 Pedro Alves 30 min ???
15:30 Coffee Break / Networking 15 min
18:00 Closing (Ending)
Admission is free by reservation! there is room for 550 people!
interested parties to confirm their presence by
Spread between their networks.
- Use the hashtags # # pentahobrasil PentahoCommunityGatheringBrazil