The Pentaho Metadata Project

The Pentaho Metadata Project

Pentaho Metadata

Pentaho Metadata defines a business model and query implementation that makes it easy for business users to query data sources in tools such as Pentaho Report Designer and Pentaho Ad Hoc Reporting. This page is geared towards developers interested in using Pentaho Metadata in their projects, or adding capabilities to Pentaho Metadata.

Pentaho Metadata consists of three sub-projects, pentaho-metadata, pentaho-mql-editor, and pentaho-metadata-editor. pentaho-metadata is the home of the core metadata engine, while the mql editor code provides a SWT tool for building an MQL query, and the editor, which allows the building of metadata models. The Report Designer and BI Platform also contain client side metadata code that demonstrate using metadata in apps.

Documentation Links

General overview of Metadata concepts:

Technical related articles:

User Guide:

Outer Join Documentation:


Binary Downloads

Pentaho Metadata Editor

Client Tools using Pentaho Metadata - Report Designer, BI Platform Ad Hoc Reporting

Core Contributors

Matt Casters
James Dixon
Will Gorman (email: wgorman@pentaho.com, IRC: willgorman, blog: http://www.willgorman.com, twitter: wpgorman)
Mat Lowery

Source Code Access

Relevant SVN Locations:


Data Access web services are exposed through the following project.  The source code for the model is located in the pentaho-metadata project, in the package org.pentaho.pms.schema.v3.


Link to common build info?

Community Links

Metadata forum:


Metadata JIRA:


General Pentaho IRC:

irc.freenode.net ##pentaho

Past and Current Development Sprints

Simplifying Data Access - Sprint 1 - April 20 to May 8
Simplifying Data Access - Sprint 2 - May 20 to June 10
Simplifying Data Access - Sprint 2 - June 12 to July 2