Promptbox is a programatic only component in XUL. Meaning you cannot add it to the XUL doc. It's included for the sake of maintaining UI neutral code.
Property |
Fires Events |
Possible Values |
Notes |
message (String) |
No |
title (String) |
No |
value (String) |
No |
The value in the textbox. Used to get the user entered value or set the default |
acceptLabel (String) |
No |
cancelLabel (String) |
No |
height (int) |
No |
width (int) |
No |
icon (String) |
No |
message (String) |
No |
title (String) |
No |
scrollable (bool) |
No |
open() - Blocks in the case of Swing and SWT, but not in GWT. Hence the addition of the XulDialogCallback.
setModalParent(Object parent) - used to properly parent the dialog.
Sample Usage
XulPromptBox prompt = (XulPromptBox) document.createElementById("promptbox"); prompt.setTitle("User Entry Required"); prompt.setMessage("Supply a new value:"); prompt.addDialogCallback(new XulDialogCallback(){ enum Status{ ACCEPT, CANCEL, ONEXTRA1, ONEXTRA2 } public void onClose(XulComponent sender, Status returnCode, Object retVal){ switch(returnCode){ case ACCEPT: setNewValue(((XulPromptBox) sender).getValue()); break; case CANCEL: //Do nothing break; } } public void onError(XulComponent sender, Throwable t){ } }); prompt.open();