Changing to the LDAP Security DAO

Changing to the LDAP Security DAO

By default, the Pentaho BI Platform comes with Hibernate-based security data access object (DAO) enabled. Often, enterprises have an existing directory server accessible by LDAP. This page shows you how to switch to the "LDAP" DAO. The instructions below describe a sample LDAP directory using ApacheDS. LDAP browsers such as Apache Directory Studio or JXplorer can be used to browse the objects in your directory.

  1. Edit pentaho-spring-beans.xml
    Change the Spring XML files to use the LDAP DAOs instead of the Hibernate ones. Open pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-spring-beans.xml and look for the following section:
      <!-- some lines omitted -->
      <import resource="applicationContext-spring-security.xml" />
      <import resource="applicationContext-common-authorization.xml" />
      <import resource="applicationContext-spring-security-ldap.xml" />
      <import resource="applicationContext-pentaho-security-ldap.xml" />
  2. Start the directory
    In Windows, just start the Apacheds service in the Services dialog. In Linux, the command might be as simple as service apacheds start.
  3. Import the LDIF
    The sample Spring XML files applicationContext-spring-security-ldap.xml and applicationContext-pentaho-security-ldap.xml assume the records below. If you already have an existing directory, or you wish to alter the sample LDIF files, you'll need to adjust the LDAP queries in the aforementioned Spring XML files. To make use of the sample LDIF file, use an LDAP browser, such as Apache Directory Studio or JXplorer, to import it. Note: You may or may not have success importing the LDIF file below. If you run into errors, manually create the records.
    Sample LDIF

    version: 1

    dn: uid=joe,ou=users,ou=system
    mail: joe.pentaho@pentaho.org
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: top
    uid: joe
    cn: joe
    businesscategory: cn=ceo,ou=roles,ou=system
    businesscategory: cn=Admin,ou=roles,ou=system
    userpassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
    sn: Pentaho

    dn: uid=suzy,ou=users,ou=system
    mail: suzy.pentaho@pentaho.org
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: top
    uid: suzy
    cn: suzy
    userpassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
    businesscategory: cn=cto,ou=roles,ou=system
    businesscategory: cn=is,ou=roles,ou=system
    sn: Pentaho

    dn: uid=tiffany,ou=users,ou=system
    mail: tiffany.pentaho@pentaho.org
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: top
    uid: tiffany
    cn: tiffany
    businesscategory: cn=devmgr,ou=roles,ou=system
    businesscategory: cn=dev,ou=roles,ou=system
    userpassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
    sn: Pentaho

    dn: uid=pat,ou=users,ou=system
    mail: pat.pentaho@pentaho.org
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: top
    uid: pat
    cn: pat
    businesscategory: cn=dev,ou=roles,ou=system
    userpassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
    sn: Pentaho

    dn: cn=Sales,ou=groups,ou=system
    cn: Sales
    objectclass: groupofuniquenames
    objectclass: top
    uniquemember: uid=joe,ou=users,ou=system

    dn: cn=Marketing,ou=groups,ou=system
    cn: Marketing
    objectclass: groupofuniquenames
    objectclass: top
    uniquemember: uid=suzy,ou=users,ou=system

    dn: cn=Development,ou=groups,ou=system
    cn: Development
    objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
    objectclass: top
    uniquemember: uid=pat,ou=users,ou=system
    uniquemember: uid=tiffany,ou=users,ou=system

    dn: ou=roles,ou=system
    ou: roles
    objectclass: organizationalUnit
    objectclass: top

    dn: cn=devmgr,ou=roles,ou=system
    l: Orlando
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    description: Development Manager
    roleoccupant: uid=tiffany,ou=users,ou=system
    cn: devmgr

    dn: cn=cto,ou=roles,ou=system
    cn: cto
    description: CTO Role
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    roleoccupant: uid=suzy,ou=users,ou=system
    l: Orlando
    st: Florida

    dn: cn=ceo,ou=roles,ou=system
    cn: ceo
    description: CEO Role
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    roleoccupant: uid=joe,ou=users,ou=system
    l: Orlando
    st: Florida

    dn: cn=is,ou=roles,ou=system
    cn: is
    description: Information Systems
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    roleoccupant: uid=suzy,ou=users,ou=system
    l: Orlando
    st: Florida

    dn: cn=dev,ou=roles,ou=system
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    roleoccupant: uid=pat,ou=users,ou=system
    roleoccupant: uid=tiffany,ou=users,ou=system
    cn: dev

    dn: cn=Admin,ou=roles,ou=system
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    roleoccupant: uid=joe,ou=users,ou=system
    roleoccupant: uid=admin,ou=system
    cn: Admin

    dn: cn=Authenticated,ou=roles,ou=system
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top
    roleoccupant: uid=joe,ou=users,ou=system
    roleoccupant: uid=suzy,ou=users,ou=system
    roleoccupant: uid=pat,ou=users,ou=system
    roleoccupant: uid=tiffany,ou=users,ou=system
    cn: Authenticated

    dn: cn=Anonymous,ou=roles,ou=system
    cn: Anonymous
    objectclass: organizationalRole
    objectclass: top

    Note: The passwords in the LDIF above ('cGFzc3dvcmQ=') are equivalent to a hash of the word 'password.'  Therefore, for authentication purposes, all the users above share the same password: 'password'.

    Note: Be sure to leave a blank line at the end of this file. Otherwise, the last entry may not import correctly.

    Note: The above LDIF assumes the following nodes already exist (as is the case with ApacheDS):
    dn: ou=users,ou=system
    ou: users
    objectclass: organizationalUnit
    objectclass: top

    dn: ou=groups,ou=system
    ou: groups
    objectclass: organizationalUnit
    objectclass: top

  4. The default LDAP configuration should work with the above LDIF. If you want to change the LDAP server host or anything else about the configuration, see Security Data Access Objects.
  5. Start the application server
    Now that the directory is running and the LDIF has been imported, start the application server.
  6. Stop the directory
    In Windows, just stop the Apacheds in the Services dialog. In Linux, run service apacheds stop.


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