.02 Installing and Configuring the Pentaho Administration Console

.02 Installing and Configuring the Pentaho Administration Console

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(minus) Important: The content on this page is not complete. The community is actively encouraged to add to, edit, and improve this document. Installation and configuration instructions are documented for Release Candidate 2.0.0.


This section provides you with information and instructions for installing and configuring your Pentaho Administration Console. The following topics are covered here:

System Requirements

The Pentaho Administration Console requires Java SE runtime version 1.5 or later. The console has been tested with the Sun HotSpot Client VM. The default memory system parameters of the JVM (such as those parameters specifying maximum heap size) are adequate for running the console. Specifically, Pentaho recommends that you have at least 100MBs of free physical memory.

Opening the Installation Zip File

The biserver-ce-3.5.2.stable.zip, (.tar or .gz), file contains all the libraries and script files necessary to run the console. The file is available on Sourceforge. To install the console, unzip this file into an empty directory.

Securing the Console

Before you start the Pentaho Administration Services Console, you must make sure that it is running on a secure server. The console runs as a Web server on the device on which it is started. Please follow the "Configuring Security in Pentaho Administration Console" document to ensure that you have configured security the console correctly.

Running the Console Locally

By default the Pentaho Administration Console starts up on port 8099. In most instances servers run with a firewall and this port is blocked from external devices unless explicitly configured. Running the console locally provides the highest degree of security. Pentaho strongly recommends that you have a firewall installed on the server running the console.

You can have the console run on an alternate port by editing the console.properties page located at ...\pentaho-open-admin-console\resource\config.

Enabling SSL in Pentaho Administration Console

By default the Pentaho Administration Console has ssl disabled. You can enable ssl in Pentaho Administration Console by following few very easy steps.

Starting the Pentaho Administration Console

Follow the instructions below to start the Pentaho Administration Console in the operating system of your choice.

If you are using this operating system...

Then follow these instructions...


1. Open the command window.
2. Go to the install directory. This directory contains the file, console.bat.
3. Type startup.bat and press ENTER.

  • Once the console is running, the following line appears in the command window: Administration console is now started. Console can be accessed  using http://<host-name>:8099 or http://<IP Address>:8099


1. Open the command window.
2. Go to the install directory. This directory contains the file, console.bat.
3. Type ./startup.sh and press ENTER. (You might need to run chmod +x console.sh before running.)

  • Once the console is running, the following line appears in the command window: Administration console is now started. Console can be accessed  using http://<host-name>:8099 or http://<IP Address>:8099

Mac OS X

1. Open a command window.
2. Go to the install directory. This directory contains the file, console.bat.
3. Type java -jar lib/startup.jar and press RETURN.

  • Once the console is running, the following line appears in the command window: Administration console is now started. Console can be accessed  using http://<host-name>:8099 or http://<IP Address>:8099

Note: The message Address already in use: JVM_Bind as the console starts, indicates that another program is using the port required by the The Pentaho Administration Console (8099). This port is currently not configurable.

Note 2: The username / password combination for a fresh installation is 'admin' / 'password'. The login details are stored in 'pentaho_dir/administration-console/resource/config/login.properties'. See Configuring Security for more information.

Stopping the Pentaho Administration Console

To stop the server:

  1. Open a command window.
  2. Go to the install directory that contains the file, stop.bat (or .sh).
  3. Type stop.bat and the console will be stopped.

Configuring the Pentaho Administration Console

Before you use the Pentaho Administration Console to administer a BI Server installation you must edit the default entries in the console.xml file (located at ...\pentaho-open-admin-console\resource\config) so that the console can locate the necessary BI platform files.





Enter the name of the administrative user.


Enter the time period in which the The Pentaho Administration Console console will ping the PCI to check if the server is running


Enter length of time the The Pentaho Administration Console will wait for home page content from the server before displaying static HTML content.


Paste the path to the solutions directory of the BI Server you want to administer.


Paste the path to the Web application directory of the BI Server you want to administer into the Pentaho Web-App Path text box.

Establishing a Trusted Proxy

In instances where the BI Server and the Pentaho Administration Console are running on separate devices, you must edit the web.xml file to establish a trusted proxy between the PCI and the console. Go to x:\\pentaho-demo\name_of_app_server\webapps\pentaho\WEB-INF, where x corresponds to the drive on which the PCI is installed. In the web.xml file, replace the IP address (localhost) of the device running the Pentaho Administration Console: