Connecting to the Pentaho Subversion Repository

Connecting to the Pentaho Subversion Repository

Connecting to the Pentaho Subversion Repository

To create a connection using the Subclipse plugin in Eclipse:

  1. Change your Eclipse perspective to the SVN Repository Exploring perspective.
  2. Right click in the blank space, select New in the popup menu, then select Repository Location. The Add New Repository Location dialog will load.
  3. In the Url combo box, enter svn://source.pentaho.org/svnroot.
  4. Click Finish. You now have a connection to the Subversion repository.

To see the projects, expand the location. As is a standard way to structure Subversion repositories, each project has three child directories: branches, tags, and trunk.

The /project/trunk directory has the latest code. If you are unsure, this is likely the code that you will want to start with.

The /project/branches directory has the codeline for the project at a explicit, named branch in time.

The /project/tags directory has tagged codelines for the project.