Running the Single Sign-On Enable Script 2.x-3.0.x
While enabling single sign-on (SSO) via CAS in the platform is quite involved, Pentaho has created a script that handles most of the task of enabling SSO via CAS for you.
Warning: The SSO enable script modifies various files within a your Pentaho BI Platform installation. There is no "undo" script. Make backups first!
Enterprise Edition only: This feature is not included in the Community Edition release.
Manual deployments only: You can only enable single sign-on by building the pentaho.war from the manual deployments package. SSO is not available through the BI Suite graphical installation utility, or through the pre-configured zip and tar.gz archive packages.
Apache Ant
The SSO enable script is an Apache Ant script. You will need to download and install Ant.
The script uses a third-party Ant task called XMLTask. You will need to download and install XMLTask.
Locating the script
In your Pentaho download, you should have a directory called pentaho-sso
. In this directory, you will find the main SSO enable script, along with support files. Below is a overview of those directories and files.
Name |
Description |
Various new resources required by the Pentaho BI Platform. |
New JARs required by the Pentaho BI Platform. |
A properties file containing settings which affect the script behavior. |
The SSO enable script. |
Configuring the script
CAS Settings
Most of these are CAS server URLs used by clients ("services" in CAS terminology) of the CAS server.
Property |
Description |
Required |
Sample Value |
Security back-end that CAS should use. Valid values are |
CAS login URL. |
CAS ticket validator URL. |
CAS logout URL. A |
URL under which all CAS services reside. |
{{ https://localhost:8443/cas}} |
Pentaho Settings
These are "service" URLs that serve as callbacks from CAS server into Pentaho.
Property |
Description |
Required |
Sample Value |
Processes CAS callback. |
URL to go to after CAS logout. |
Path to pentaho-solutions/system. |
Path to webapp lib directory. |
Path (including filename) of webapp's web.xml. |
Path (including filename) of new applicationContext-acegi-security-cas.xml. |
Path to directory containing webapp's JSPs. |
Path (including filename) of pentaho-spring-beans.xml. |
Service base URL. |
{{ http://localhost:8080/pentaho}} |
Webapp exploded WAR directory. |
Path to webapp's WEB-INF directory. |
Running the script
Warning: The SSO enable script modifies various files within a JBoss Application Server installation. There is no "undo" script. Make backups first!
There are plenty of Ant targets available in the SSO enable script. However, only a couple are appropriate to run directly. The table below outlines the callable targets.
Ant Target |
Description |
Default target. Displays help information. |
Modifies the Pentaho BI Platform to use CAS for authentication. |
To run the script:
ant -f sso-replacements.xml sso-pentaho