Attendees: John, David, Mike, KC, Thomas, Martin (and brief appearances by Nick and Marina - but that is another meeting)
Report Designer
- Martin
- Working on 2.0 branch cleanup
- Having issues committing to SVN (David to investigate)
- Fixing bugs (PRD-425 and PRD-515) - to be committed to 1.7 branch and 1.8 (trunk)
- Merging 2.0 branch with trunk will be ok except when it comes to the "snap to" functionalities.
- Mike
- Completed the last Report Designer sprint with a demo of new functionality
- Going to extract the "formula picker" added to RD into a separate commons project
- Merge with 2.0 needs to happen "soon" (sometime in the next 2 sprints)
Reporting Engine 0.8.10
- Thomas
- Killed the Wizard (removed the reporting wizard from the engine / RD combination due to many issues)
- Need to redo the wizard in swing
- Created new XML report output (to be used by adhoc)
- Added metadata access to RD
- Plan on moving to the "bug hunting" stage by end-of-week
- Found 2 nasty layouting bugs in 0.8.10 (and verified they are in - when fix is created, a new 0.8.9 release will be required.
- David
- Preparing to create master build script for all 0.8.x reporting components to ease burden of doing reporting builds
- Continuing charting work - will need to discuss how charting API will interface with the tools with TM in the near future.
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