02. Modules

02. Modules

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JFreeReport has been designed by keeping in mind that most of the users will not need the whole features it can provide. So all components are modularized and then configurable, changeable or removable.

//You will see in the following lists the modules...

Each module is defined and configured by two files, module.properties and configuration.properties. Whenever you decided to tune or change the default beahavior of a module, first look at these files to get informed about what is configurable. If you want to remove a module, you have two choices :

First, do not include the module in your classpath, when you are dealing with jfreereport-module-<modulename>-<version>.jar module libraries it is easy. If you do not remember what are these *.jar libraries, go back to Bundled distribution section for more explanations.

Second, desactivate them by empting their Module configuration key. Here is an example :

# Excel GUI export module activated
# Excel GUI export module desactivated

Jump to section Configurations if you want to know where is the right place to put this kind of statments.